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Jewelry Care

How to Care for Your Indian & Asian Jewelry

Jewelry pieces from India and other parts of Asia are often brightly colored, intricately designed, and exquisitely crafted. While these pieces can bring you many years of enjoyment, they need proper care to look their best. Here are some tips on how to take care of your Indian & Asian jewelry.


Most Indian & Asian jewelry pieces can be cleaned with water and a mild soap. Use a soft cloth to scrub any dirt or grime on the jewelry gently. It’s essential not to use harsh chemicals, such as bleach, which could potentially damage the stones or metals used in your pieces.


Keep your jewelry pieces stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Wrapping each piece individually in a soft cloth or acid-free tissue paper will help prevent scratching and keep them looking their best. Store each type of metal separately to avoid any chemical reactions between different metals if possible.

Avoiding Damage

Indian & Asian jewelry is often more delicate than the average piece of jewelry. To help keep your pieces in good condition, avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures is important. Swimming with your jewelry, for example, may cause damage due to the chlorine in the water. It’s also a good idea to remove your jewelry before engaging in any activities that could cause it to get scratched or banged up.

Professional Cleaning

It’s a good idea to bring your Indian & Asian jewelry to a professional jeweler for occasional deep cleanings and inspections. This will help ensure that your pieces stay looking their best and are free from any damage that may have occurred over time.


Polishing your jewelry pieces can help bring out their natural luster and shine. Use a soft cloth to buff away any tarnish that may have developed over time. You can also use a commercial polishing solution specifically designed for jewelry to help restore its original brilliance. Follow the product instructions carefully and avoid using strong chemicals or abrasive materials.

Proper Handling

Finally, always make sure that you handle your jewelry with care. Avoid grabbing onto the gemstones or metal portions with your fingers when putting on or taking off a piece. Instead, use the clasps and fastenings to avoid scratching or damaging your jewelry.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your Indian & Asian jewelry pieces will look their best for years. With proper care and maintenance, you’ll be able to enjoy each stunning piece for many generations to come.

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